For Exercise 10, I decided to focus on the city of of Denham Springs. Denhams Springs is located in Louisiana, just east of the state's capitol, Baton Rouge. For this exercise, I will specifically be focusing on the northern part of Denham Springs. Interstate I12 runs through Denham Springs and the interstate is the landmark that divides Denham Springs into North and South. In the map above, I have highlighted the region in pink that I will be focusing on. Throughout the highlighted area, I have added placemarks on some important features of the region, such as: Denham Springs High School, Amite River, City Hall, Antique Village, and more. These are all very important landmarks that makes the city unique.
The reason I chose Denham Springs to perform my field exercise at is because I feel that there so much to the landscape in this city. Similar to Little Vietnam and Haiti, Denham Springs suffered from devastation due to a natural disaster. In 2016, Denham Springs was severely affected by a flood. This flood left thousands of people without homes, kids without schools, individuals without work, and so much more. Through my field exercise, I plan to draw conclusions on how specifically this event has impacted the city's landscape.
I plan to look into how the natural landscape, cultural landscape, human landscape, and symbolic landscape work together to make Denham Springs unique. I will use Lewis' axioms to assist in drawing conclusions about landscape. I plan to focus mostly on "The Axiom of Common Things." Personally, I feel like this axiom gives the most insight about the people and landscape of a region. While focusing on this axiom, I will look into things like what materials buildings are made of, the layout of roadways, the types of businesses, how neighborhoods are set up, the types of housing, and so much more.
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