Nature/Society 1: Exercise 2


This is photo taken at the Vietnamese Farmer's Market in New Orleans. 
This is a map of Little Vietnam in New Orleans, Louisiana. The map focuses on a specific aspect within the Vietnamese community, the gardens. Specifically, there are two types. They have the backyard gardens and the levee gardens. The backyard gardens are located in the backyards of typical homes in the Vietnamese community in New Orleans. The backyard gardens are highlighted in yellow in this map. They are taken care of by the homeowners and used within the household and sometimes sold at the Farmer's Market. The Farmer's Market is distinguished in this map by the fork and spoon symbol. Secondly, the levee gardens are located along the New Orleans levee. The levee gardens are visibly more complex than the backyard gardens and are highlighted in pink. The levee gardens provide food, resources, and income for the community. When looking at this map, thinking about the theme of Nature/Society,  the concept of possibilism sticks out to me the most. The gardens provide so many possibilities for the Vietnamese community members. They provide purpose and resources for individual families. Some earn their family income through the gardens, they are able to sell their food and resources provided by the gardening to businesses and individuals outside of the community. The gardens teach skills to younger generations that are continually passed down. The gardens provide so much for this community. After the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans suffered greatly, including the Vietnamese gardens. Since the levee broke during the hurricane, the levee gardens suffered greatly and were almost completely demolished. However, this community has persevered through the tragedy. The community members are so hardworking and are getting the gardens back up and running. They may look a little different or have a new location, but the community is still carrying on the gardening tradition. 
